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Hey guys, the draft was last night. As is customary tradition, we need to talk about what these guys were wearing. So let’s hand out some nonsense awards.

Best Dressed — Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, Damian Lillard, John Henson
To be honest, there weren’t any really great standout outfits like Wes Johnson’s Ralph Lauren lookbook steez. Everyone wore pretty basic gear, so you need to look at small details to pick a winner. Things like Michael Kidd-Gilchrist’s knit tie, Damian Lillard’s checked jacket and John Henson’s cutaway collar were nice touches on snazzy looks that made these guys look the teensiest bit better than the rest of their draft class. Other than MKG’s tie bar being just a smidge too high, not much to complain about here.

Best Collar — John Henson
It was mentioned up top, but John Henson’s cutaway collar looked great and is very on trend. Plus, the size matches his jacket’s lapels and his tie fits in the huge space that such a collar allows. Very nice.

Read more from The Basketball Jones…
The Basketball Jones: The Best and Worst Dressed from the 2012 NBA Draft